The Crucial Link: Metal Recycling and World Plumbing Day

Today is World Plumbing Day!

In the grand narrative of environmental sustainability, a day dedicated to plumbing might seem like an unlikely hero. But on closer inspection, World Plumbing Day, in tandem with the underpinning role of metal recycling, illuminates an essential facet of our collective effort to safeguard the environment. This blog takes a deep plunge into the interconnected worlds of metal recycling and plumbing, areas where small changes can yield substantial benefits for our planet.

Call 1-888-586-5322 to Recycle Plumbing Scrap in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 to Recycle Plumbing Scrap in Indianapolis Indiana

Unveiling the Gleam of Metal Recycling

Metal, the backbone of modern infrastructure, is too valuable to discard carelessly. The act of recycling contributes significantly to cutting emissions, conserving natural resources, and reducing our dependence on the energy-intensive process of primary metal extraction. By shedding light on the importance of metal recycling, we equip ourselves with evidence that supports the decision to re-process rather than waste.

Environmental Brilliance of Metal Recycling

EPA statistics are staggering—metal recycling boasts a high environmental return on investment. Conserving energy to the tune of 74% for steel recycling, and even more for aluminum, proves that every ton of metal diverted from landfills is a salient victory for the planet.

Injecting New Life into Old Metal

When we recycle metals, we diminish the need for new mining activities, which often come with a heavy toll on local ecosystems. Additionally, the metal recycling process produces a fraction of the emissions compared to mining fresh metal—a compelling case for the circular economy in the metal industry.

Celebrating World Plumbing Day

March 11th marks World Plumbing Day, a globally recognized event that shines a spotlight on the significance of plumbing in public health and environmental sustainability. This celebration serves as a reminder of the influential role that plumbing plays in advancing community health and fostering sustainable living.

Laying Down the Pipes for Change

The history and purpose of World Plumbing Day are rooted in raising awareness about global access to clean water and the role of plumbing in preserving public health. But equally important is plumbing’s inherent link to sustainable practices, making it a befitting companion to the discussion on metal recycling.

Metal Recycling and Plumbing: A Synergy Worth Note

The marriage of metal recycling and plumbing is more than fortuitous. In fact, it underlines the tangible, everyday applications of environmental stewardship, particularly in the context of domestic and commercial water systems.

Turning Scrap Into Functional Art

Old plumbing fixtures and pipes, a rich source of recyclable metals such as copper, aluminum, and steel, stand at the intersection of material waste and valuable resources. Plumbers, both professionally and at home, have the privilege to be on the front lines of diverting these metals back into the stream of utility.

Eco-Friendly Plumbing

The world is slowly awakening to the importance of Eco-friendly plumbing solutions. These innovations not only utilize recycled metals in their construction but also promote water efficiency—another crucial aspect of sustainable living. High-efficiency toilets, low-flow faucets, and materials assessment for LEED certification projects are just a few examples of these advancements.

Engaging with the Metal Recycling and Plumbing Community

Enthusiasm for sustainability often finds a fertile ground in community engagement. Here, we explore practical avenues for homeowners, businesses, and professionals to weave metal recycling and plumbing into the fabric of their collective environmental consciousness.


For the earnest homeowner, discerning the recyclability of the plumbing materials within their abode is a significant step. Indeed, the humble home is a fertile ground for recycling endeavors, beginning with the identification and separation of metal scrap.


The corporate sector wields significant clout in the realm of recycling and sustainable practices. By championing responsible disposal policies and fostering partnerships with recycling facilities, businesses can not only align with environmental goals but also set an influential example for their communities.

Plumbers and Contractors

Plumbers hold the key to the kingdom of metal recycling, especially when on work sites. By implementing an in-house recycling scheme for scrap materials and educating clients on the benefits of metal recycling, plumbers can make a remarkable difference in the amount of metal diverted from landfills.


As we conclude this exploration into the realms of metal recycling and plumbing, it’s evident that each plays a crucial part in our environmental narrative. By recognizing their symbiotic relationship and acting on the opportunities they present, we not only celebrate World Plumbing Day but imbue it with a renewed purpose—one that resonates with the global call for sustainability.

The synergy between metal recycling and plumbing signifies more than just environmental directives; it speaks to our ability to reshape the future through everyday practices. Join the movement, celebrate World Plumbing Day proactively, and ensure that the metals that build our world continue to glow with the promise of a sustainable future.

On this World Plumbing Day and beyond, make a vow to integrate metal recycling into your plumbing processes, and become an active participant in the cyclic harmony that sustains our planet. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal by dialing 1-888-586-5322 and take advantage of top-tier scrap metal recycling services within Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer immediate cash for a variety of metals, always ensuring you get the best deal in the area.

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How Scrap Metal Recycling Contributes to Economic Development

In the quest to achieve sustainable economic development, one avenue presents a twofold solution – the recycling of scrap metal. Immensely beneficial, scrap metal recycling not only aids in conserving natural resources but also significantly contributes to economic growth. It opens up a myriad of opportunities for employment and business growth, with roles for scrap metal buyers and the ever-growing industry of junk car recycling.

Through this blog post, we delve into the transformative impact of scrap metal recycling on economic development, unearthing how our discarded metal can become the backbone of a thriving economy.

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

The Importance of Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting and reprocessing discarded metal into new, usable products. It includes a range of metals such as steel, iron, aluminum, copper, and more. These metals are found in everyday items like cars, appliances, building materials, and electronic devices. Due to their durability and long lifespan, metal items often end up in landfills, taking up valuable space and causing harm to the environment. By recycling these metals, we reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and decrease pollution levels.

Economic Benefits of Scrap Metal Recycling

Apart from the environmental benefits, scrap metal recycling plays a crucial role in driving economic growth. It creates jobs at every stage of the process – from collection and sorting to processing and manufacturing. The recycling industry employs over 500,000 people in the United States alone, with a steady growth rate of around 8% each year. This is due to the increasing demand for scrap metal as raw material by industries such as construction, automotive, electronics, and more.

Role of Scrap Metal Buyers

Scrap metal buyers play a vital role in the recycling industry. They purchase scrap metal from individuals, businesses, and industries and sell it to recycling facilities for processing. This creates a market for discarded metal items, providing financial incentives for individuals and businesses to recycle. By doing so, these buyers facilitate the flow of recyclable materials into the industry, ensuring a steady supply of raw material for manufacturers.

 Junk Car Recycling – a Growing Industry

In the world of scrap metal recycling, junk cars hold a significant position. It is estimated that over 25 million tons of recycled steel come from junk cars each year in the United States. This industry not only contributes to economic development but also helps in reducing the environmental impact of junk cars, which are often disposed of improperly, causing pollution and health hazards. By recycling these cars, we reduce the need for new steel production, which saves energy and reduces carbon emissions.

The Ripple Effect on Economic Development

The economic benefits of scrap metal recycling extend beyond job creation and revenue generation. When businesses recycle, they also save on production costs by using recycled materials rather than purchasing raw materials. This leads to more competitive pricing, making products affordable for consumers and stimulating economic growth. Moreover, scrap metal recycling also reduces the need for mining metals, which can cause environmental damage. By conserving natural resources through recycling, we ensure their availability for future generations, further contributing to sustainable economic development.

In Summary

From reducing waste and pollution to creating jobs and promoting competitiveness, scrap metal recycling has a far-reaching impact on economic development. With the involvement of scrap metal buyers and the growing industry of junk car recycling, we are moving towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. As individuals and businesses, we all have a role to play in this process by properly disposing of our discarded metal items and supporting the recycling industry. Together, we can reap the benefits of scrap metal recycling and contribute towards a better tomorrow.

So, what are you waiting for? Start investing in metal recycling services today and help create a more sustainable future! Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including iron, steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and more. We also buy junk cars and pay in cash.

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Innovative Ways to Recycle Scrap Metal in Your Community

In an era where sustainability is more than a buzzword and climate change concerns loom large, recycling takes center stage, particularly with materials like scrap metal. Despite its ubiquity, scrap metal often ends up in landfills when it can be efficiently repurposed. However, with a bit of creativity and community involvement, we can turn this around.

This post will explore some innovative ways to recycle scrap metal in your community, highlighting how to engage scrap metal buyers efficiently and understand scrap metal prices. By the end of this blog, you’ll be equipped with the information and inspiration you need to make a real, positive environmental impact right from your doorstep. Stay tuned!

Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

Scrap Metal Recycling: Understanding the Basics

Before delving into how you can contribute to scrap metal recycling, let’s go through some fundamentals. Scrap metal is a byproduct of our everyday lives, ranging from old appliances and electronics to car parts and construction materials. The good news is that all types of scrap metals are recyclable, including steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and iron. Recycling scrap metal has numerous environmental benefits, including reducing the need for mining and conserving energy. Plus, it can also help reduce pollution by keeping potentially hazardous materials out of landfills. To top it off, recycling scrap metal is an efficient way to generate income as well.

Getting to Know Your Local Scrap Metal Buyers

To ensure your community’s scrap metal recycling efforts are successful, it’s essential to know your local scrap metal buyers. These are individuals or businesses that specialize in purchasing and processing scrap metals for recycling purposes. Some common types of scrap metal buyers include:

Scrap yards: these facilities accept all types of scrap metals and process them before selling them to manufacturers.

Metal dealers: they typically deal with specific types of scrap metals, such as copper or aluminum.

Recycling centers: these facilities focus on collecting and processing recyclable materials, including scrap metals.

Finding a reputable scrap metal buyer in your community is crucial for successful recycling efforts. You can ask around for recommendations from friends or local businesses and do some research online to find the best options available.

Understanding Scrap Metal Prices

Scrap metal prices are determined by several factors, including the type of metal, its condition, and global market demand. Generally, the more valuable a metal is, the higher the price it will fetch. Understanding scrap metal prices can help you make informed decisions about recycling and selling your scrap metals. You can keep track of current scrap metal prices online or by checking with your local buyers. Additionally, it’s worth noting that scrap metal prices can fluctuate, so it’s essential to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to sell.

Innovative Ways to Recycle Scrap Metal in Your Community

Now that you have a basic understanding of scrap metal recycling let’s explore some innovative ways you can do your part in your community:

Organize a Community Scrap Metal Drive:

One of the most effective ways to recycle scrap metal in your community is by organizing a scrap metal drive. This involves collecting scrap metal from households and businesses in your neighborhood and pooling it together for recycling. You can reach out to local scrap metal buyers who may be willing to sponsor or support your efforts. Hosting a competition or offering incentives, such as gift cards, can also encourage more people to participate.

Partner with Local Businesses:

Businesses often generate a significant amount of scrap metal, from old machinery and equipment to packaging materials. By partnering with local businesses, you can help them recycle their scrap metal while also promoting sustainability in your community. You can offer to collect their scrap metal regularly or collaborate on larger projects like construction or demolition waste recycling.

Host a Recycling Event:

Hosting a recycling event is an excellent way to bring your community together while promoting scrap metal recycling. You can partner with local organizations, schools, and businesses to organize activities like art installations made from recycled scrap metal or educational workshops on the importance of recycling. This can help raise awareness and encourage others to get involved in sustainable practices.


Recycling scrap metal is not only beneficial to the environment but also provides valuable resources and can even generate income for your community. By understanding the basics of scrap metal recycling, getting to know your local buyers, and exploring innovative ways to recycle, you can make a positive impact in your community. Remember that every small effort counts towards building a more sustainable future, so don’t hesitate to get involved and spread the word about the importance of recycling scrap metal. Together, we can make a difference! 

Interact with us to learn more about iron recycling and ways you can be part of the solution. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including appliances, junk cars, construction equipment, and auto parts.

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The Benefits of Metal Recycling for the Environment
How to Find and Sell Scrap Metal in Your Town
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What You Need to Know About Metal Recycling Processes

Metal recycling is not only essential for our economy, but it’s also crucial for the environment. This process allows us to conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, and minimize waste in landfills. We often encounter scrap metal in our daily lives, from old vehicles to household appliances, and understanding the recycling process can help us make more informed decisions about waste disposal.

In this post, we will dive deep into the world of metal recycling, shedding light on the processes and procedures involved in transforming scrap metal back into useful materials. Stay with us as we journey through the life cycle of scrap metal.

Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling Service in Indianapolis
Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling Service in Indianapolis

The Process of Metal Recycling

Identifying and Collecting Scrap Metal

The scrap metal recycling process begins with the collection of scrap metal. This is done by separating ferrous metals, like iron and steel, from non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper, brass, and lead. Ferrous metals are identified through a magnet that can attract them since these types of metals contain iron. Non-ferrous metals, on the other hand, are not attracted by a magnet and, therefore, can be easily identified. Once all scrap metal has been collected and sorted into its respective categories, it must be transported to a recycling center or facility for further processing.

Shredding And Sorting Scrap Metal

At the recycling center, the scrap metal is then prepared for further processing. This involves shredding it down into smaller pieces and then sorting them according to material type, such as aluminum, copper, steel, or iron. This helps separate out any contaminants that may have mixed in with the scrap metal during its collection.

Melting Down Scrap Metal

Once all contaminants have been removed and the scrap metal has been sorted by type, it is ready to be melted down. This process requires extreme temperatures that help break down the metals into a liquid state. Different metals require different melting points, so depending on what type of metal is being recycled, the temperature must be adjusted accordingly.

Refining The Metal

The next step in the metal recycling process is refining. This involves removing any remaining impurities to make sure that the recycled product is of the highest quality. Depending on what type of metal is being recycled, different chemicals might be used to refine it – these could include zinc chloride, hydrochloric acid, or chlorine gas.

Final Processing

The final step in the recycling process is final processing. This involves molding, casting, or extruding the melted metal into whatever shape or size is needed. In some cases, this could involve rolling out sheets of metal for use in construction projects. The recycled material is then ready to be used again in products or machinery.

The Benefits of Recycling Metal

Recycling metal not only helps to preserve the environment, but it also offers a number of economic benefits. By reducing the need to extract and process raw materials, recycling metal can help businesses save money by reducing their overall production costs. Additionally, there are many kinds of metal that can be recycled over and over again without any loss in quality. This makes it an important resource for many industries and a great way to reduce our collective impact on the environment.

Metal recycling is an essential part of keeping our planet healthy. By understanding the process, we can all make more informed decisions about how best to dispose of scrap metal responsibly and with minimal harm to the environment. Keep these steps in mind and remember that even the smallest actions can have a huge positive impact!

Recycling Metal in Indianapolis is Easier Than You Think

Recycling metal is easier than you might think. There are numerous scrap metal recycling companies in Indiana that specialize in scrap metal collection and recycling. All types of metals, from aluminum to copper, can be recycled. Additionally, many communities offer dedicated waste disposal facilities for collecting scrap metal and ensuring it is recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.


So, now you know the steps involved in metal recycling – from identifying and collecting scrap metal to refining it into usable materials. Keep these steps in mind as we all work together to reduce our collective environmental impact. Our planet will thank us for it!  With metal recycling, we can help ensure that our planet remains healthy for many generations to come. Let’s do our part to make sure that valuable resources are not wasted and that we all take responsibility for our environment.

Are you looking for a Central Indiana scrap metal recycling center that pays cash on the spot? Just contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional, EPA-regulated scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all grades of scrap metal, but we pay out the highest offers around.

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The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Aluminum Cans

Recycling aluminum cans is an easy and effective way to help the environment. By recycling just one aluminum can, you can save enough energy to power a television for three hours! The benefits of recycling go beyond saving energy; it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources, and helps create jobs in the recycling industry.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the environmental advantages of recycling aluminum cans. We’ll discuss how recycled materials are used in production processes as well as look at ways that individuals can start making a difference by participating in local aluminum can collection programs. Finally, we’ll highlight some success stories from communities that have successfully implemented large-scale aluminum can collection initiatives.

So, let’s get started exploring the many environmental benefits associated with recycling aluminum cans!

Call 1-888-586-5322 For Aluminum Can Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 For Aluminum Can Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

The Ecological Benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling

Reduction of Energy Consumption Nationwide

One of the biggest advantages to recycling aluminum cans is that it reduces energy consumption. Aluminum production requires a lot of energy, and according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, producing recycled aluminum uses 95 percent less energy than producing new aluminum from raw materials. In addition to this energy savings, recycling also allows manufacturers to save on costs associated with procuring and processing raw materials – meaning that recycled aluminum can be produced at lower costs than virgin aluminum!

Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Recycling aluminum cans also helps keep greenhouse gas emissions in check by reducing the need for mining operations and transportation of materials used in production processes like smelting ore into metal. The EPA estimates that every ton of recycled aluminum prevents 10 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.

Conservation of Natural Resources

Finally, recycling aluminum cans conserves natural resources by reducing the need to mine new materials from the earth. Aluminum is a non-renewable resource, and it can take up to 500 years for recycled aluminum cans to be reprocessed into new ones. This means that every can recycled today helps preserve our planet’s limited resources for future generations.

How to Contribute to Aluminum Preservation in the U.S.

So how do individuals make an impact? The first step is to identify local aluminum can collection programs in your community or start one of your own! Many municipalities have implemented curbside pickup services for recyclables, so check with your city or town hall to see what options are available near you. Additionally, schools, churches and other organizations may hold periodic trash collection events that accept aluminum cans. Finally, there are many online resources available to help you find the closest recycling locations or start a local initiative of your own.

In recent years, some communities have made great strides in their aluminum can recycling efforts. In Los Angeles, for example, the Department of Water and Power’s Recycling Program successfully collected over 95 million cans in 2019 – setting a new record! And in Charlotte County, Florida, the Solid Waste Division recently launched an ambitious program to collect 1 million aluminum cans over a six-month period – achieving that goal two months ahead of schedule! These successes serve as inspiring examples of how individual and collective efforts can make a real difference when it comes to protecting our environment. 

Get Started With Aluminum Recycling Today!

At the end of the day, there are many environmental benefits associated with recycling aluminum cans. From reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to conserving natural resources, recycling aluminum cans is an easy and effective way for individuals to make a positive impact on our planet. So, take a look at what programs or initiatives are available in your area – or start one of your own! – and join the movement to help protect our environment for future generations.

If you’re looking to sell scrap aluminum cans and materials, it’s important to do your research to ensure you get the best possible price for your scrap metal. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer about aluminum recycling in Indianapolis, Indiana. There is no end to the types of metals we buy – we take it all, regardless of age or condition!

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The Top Five Most Valuable Metals on Earth

From jewelry to electronics and even currency, metals have been used in many aspects of human life for centuries. But not all metals are created equal — some are more valuable than others. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the five most valuable metals on Earth and why they’re so sought-after. We’ll also discuss the importance of metal recycling to help preserve these precious resources.

So, if you want to know more about these incredibly rare and valuable elements, keep reading!

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis

5 of the Most Valuable Metals Found on Planet Earth


The king of all precious metals, gold is one of the rarest elements on Earth and has been used in jewelry and currency for thousands of years. It’s also highly resistant to corrosion and tarnishing, making it a great choice for use in electronics as well. However, its high price tag makes it a luxury item that only the wealthy can afford.


This silvery-white metal is incredibly dense and malleable — two qualities that make platinum perfect for use in catalytic converters and other industrial applications. Its rarity makes it an expensive alternative to gold, but like gold, it’s also considered a safe haven during times of economic instability — thereby driving up its value.


This silvery-white metal is used to create catalytic converters in automobiles and is often a cheaper alternative to platinum — making it one of the most valuable metals on Earth. It’s also used in medical applications, jewelry, and electronics.


A rare element that’s even more expensive than palladium or platinum, rhodium is essential for automobile emissions control systems and other industrial applications. Its bright white hue makes it popular for use in jewelry as well.


Although silver is less rare than gold and many of the other precious metals mentioned here, its price tag can still be quite high depending on its purity. It’s used in coins, jewelry, and electronics — making it a valuable metal to have on hand.

Start Recycling Metal in Your Community

Metal recycling is essential for preserving these valuable metals. By recycling existing metals instead of mining new sources, we can help protect our planet’s resources while also saving money. So, if you’re looking for an environmentally friendly way to conserve these precious materials, consider using metal recycling services near you!

How to Get Started With Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling is a great way to turn your trash into treasure – not only is it good for the environment, but it can also put a little extra cash in your pocket! If you’re thinking of getting started with metal recycling, the first step is to gather up any metal-based items you no longer need or want. This could include metal patio furniture, electronics, old appliances, car parts, tin and aluminum cans, junk cars, and other household scrap.

Once you’ve collected your metal, the next step is to do a little research on local scrap metal recycling centers in Indianapolis. These facilities will typically pay you for your metal and may also offer resources to help you separate different types of metal and maximize your profits. Some will provide free towing for junk cars and motorized equipment. So, go ahead and start your scrap metal recycling journey – it’s a win-win for both you and the planet!

Are you ready to recycle all kinds of metal for cash on the spot in Indy? Just contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all scrap metal, but we pay the most around town.

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How to Find and Sell Scrap Metal in Your Town

The benefits of scrap metal recycling are astounding. But many people get into the initiative for the lucrative advantages. Many scrap metal recycling centers buy metal and metal items, making metal recycling worthwhile for anyone who likes making easy money. However, not all recycling centers and scrapyards pay for metal recyclables, let alone pay cash, so it is important to choose your buyer wisely.

Continue reading to learn some easy ways to find scrap metal around your town, plus how to choose a trusted scrap metal recycling company in Indianapolis that will pay you cash on the spot.

Community Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322
Community Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322

Locating Scrap Metal Around You

There are so many places to find profit-worthy scrap metal around your city. Best of all, these places will just hand it over for free! This means you get to pocket the full value at your local scrap metal recycling complex. Just as a warning, it is not recommended to search through dumpsters unless you have official permission.

Here are some places to inquire about unwanted scrap metal near you:

Construction Sites

Whether residential or commercial, a construction site is a prime source for finding available scrap metal. As you near the site, look for signs that tell you which construction company or contractor is managing the build. Then look up their phone number and ask to speak with someone in charge of site cleanup. Kindly ask the representative if they have any scrap metal items or materials that they would like to get rid of, free of charge. If they agree, simply collect your cargo at the scheduled time. You may also walk into the trailer of a construction site and ask to speak with the manager. However, a construction or renovation site can be a dangerous environment, so it is not generally recommended to take this route.

Businesses and Stores

Another great resource for retrieving free scrap metal is at the local businesses and stores in your community. Many business owners do not want to pay fees associated with debris removal and junk disposal, so they typically jump at the offer to have their scrap taken off their hands for free. Businesses to put at the top of your list include storage rental, hardware stores, animal shelters, shooting ranges, repair shops, warehouses, and factories.

Medical Facilities

Hospitals, urgent care centers, nursing homes, assisted living communities, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and all other medical-related facilities are generally trusted sources for obtaining free scrap metal. There is always something large and metal that needs disposed at a medical center, even smaller items in bulk. Simply contact the center or visit the main office and tell them your objectives.


Online commerce sites like Craigslist can be a useful place to find free scrap metal materials. Many people are on these portals looking for easy ways to get rid of their junk, antiques, and estate sale items. This can be a fruitful way to find various grades of scrap metal to recycle, including precious metals!


Working farms use a lot of equipment, some of which breaks down or rusts over after some time. By visiting the local farms and ranches in your area, you could potentially find a wide variety of scrap metal items to sell for yourself!

Are you wondering which scrap metal recycling center in Indianapolis will pay you the most cash for your goods? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including scrap steel and construction scrap.

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Make Room For More Summer Stuff By Recycling These Backyard Items

Summer is almost here. With a little more than a month left in the Spring season, now is the perfect time to start clearing out the old to make room for the new! Have you had your eyes on a new smoker or patio furniture set? Perhaps you want to beef up your lawn equipment fleet? Pergola, anyone?

There are plenty of trending backyard must-haves this year, and all of them can be yours! But first, you have to make some room. There’s no better way to get rid of old junk than to recycle it at a local metal recycling center that pays you cash – cash you can put toward newer, better summer stuff!

Continue below for a list of top-recommended backyard staples that should be recycled and upgraded this summer, plus where to recycle them in Indianapolis for a maximum payout!

Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322
Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322

A Guide to Backyard Recycling

What’s in your backyard? Are there items taking up valuable space or aging by the season? What about your garage or shed? Do you have a barn? There are plenty of things we have lying around our properties that we don’t even consider recyclable, like power tools, old metal furniture, and lawn equipment. These aren’t items you would traditionally toss into the dumpster or garbage can, so instead, you forget about them, overlooking their obsolete or void purpose.

Here are some common backyard and summer activity staples that can be recycled at a local Indianapolis scrap metal recycling company for a cash payout:

Lawn Equipment

All sorts of motorized and non-motorized lawn equipment are eligible for recycling. Although you will likely need to provide the transportation for such equipment, most scrap metal recycling centers will accept old, used, or broken lawn equipment. This includes push lawnmowers, ride-on lawnmowers, electric weed whackers, chain saws, pruning shears, irrigation systems, and even metal watering cans.

Pool and Patio Furniture

Any type of metal furniture for the patio, pool, or sunroom can be recycled. Like lawn equipment, you will need to transport furniture yourself to the scrap metal recycling center, but you will earn a pretty profit for it all. Recycle metal patio tables, benches, chairs, recliners, rockers, lawn chairs, lounge chairs, and more! Even your old grill or smoker can be recycled!

Power Tools

Power tools, whether old, broken, or in perfect condition, can be recycled at a local metal recycling center. Tools like chain saws, handheld sanders, drills, electric saws, wrenches, hammers, nails, screws, bits, plumbing, scrap, and anything else made of metal can be recycled.

Above-Ground Pools

Above-ground swimming pools are not known to last a long time. If your steel or aluminum above-ground pool is looking like it’s seen as last summer, recycle it for cash on the spot at your local metal recycling center in Indianapolis, then place your profit towards a newer model above-ground pool!


Metal canoes are perfect candidates for recycling. If yours is looking rusty or developing holes and vulnerable spots, upgrade your canoe this summer. But first, recycle your old one at a local metal recycling company. As always, you can put your easily-earned profit towards a brand-new canoe or kayak. Metal fishing boats are also recyclable, so if you have one that is old or broken, recycle it before buying a new one.

Jungle Gyms

Many playsets, like jungle gyms and swing sets, are made primarily of metal like steel and aluminum. This makes them perfect for scrap recycling. If your children’s playsets are looking rusty or outdated, surprise them this summer with a brand-new and much safer swing set!

Are you wondering which Indianapolis metal recycling center will pay you the most cash for your backyard scrap? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and pay cash on the spot! We also offer free junk car removal.

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How to Look for Scrap Metal Around the House

If you are interested in doing your part to protect the environment, preserve our planet’s natural resources, and support our local economy, then scrap metal recycling is the right enterprise for you. Not only does recycling metal support all of these initiatives, but it also puts some cash back into your pocket. So, you can feel good about being an active participant in the world initiative to conserve and reuse, while also making a decent profit at the same time. Start looking for things of metal to recycle right at home. You would be surprised at how much junk you have to get rid of once you start your search.

Continue below to learn some tips on how to look for scrap metal around the house, and where to get paid for your freight in Central Indiana.

Central Indiana Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322
Central Indiana Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Finding Household Scrap Metal


Anything made of or containing copper will sell quickly at a scrap metal recycling center because copper is a widely sought-after commodity for its chemical and conduit properties. As for the home, it is likely the most valuable scrap metal you will have on hand. Look for copper plumbing fixtures, tubing, electrical wiring, and even old or broken electronics. Such devices contain a computer board that is fitted with copper wiring and even gold-plated metal fingers.


Do not get brass confused with bronze, nor copper. Brass is actually an alloy made of copper and zinc. Bronze is also an allow of copper and zinc, but with a much higher copper content than brass. As for scrap brass around the house, look for plumbing fixtures, pipes, turnings, shells, and similar materials. Also consider any old or broken brass instruments, like trumpets and trombones.


Aluminum can be found all around the house, in the form of food and soda cans mostly, but also as outdoor furniture, fencing, roofing, siding, gutter systems, sheet metal, and even old cookware. Many bicycles and car wheels are also made of aluminum, so you if have an old set laying around the house, sell them to a local scrap yard for safe recycling.

Stainless Steel

Appliances like refrigerators and dishwashing machines are often made with stainless steel because the metal alloy is durable and resistant to corrosion. If you have old or broken stainless steel appliances, you can recycle them at your local Indianapolis scrap metal recycling center. Other items to consider for recycling include pots and pans, plumbing fixtures, plumbing pipes, old auto parts, power tools, and kitchen sinks.

Cast Iron

There are many household items that are made from cast iron, all of which can be recycled and repurposed over and over again. Look for old cast iron skillets, as well as old appliances like radiators, boilers, and other types of heating systems, as well as things like bathtubs, pots, pans, and cookware.

How to Get Paid for Scrap Metal in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to sell scrap metal in Indianapolis, Indiana. We pay cash on the spot for all metal and metal commodities, including vehicles, car parts, appliances, construction equipment, farming equipment, and much more! Collect all the scrap metal you can, and then sell it to us for the highest profit in town! Request a free estimate or information, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

Facts About Zinc Metal

What has the sign “Zn” and an atomic number “30” on the periodic table of elements? The answer is zinc! What makes zinc so important? Well, there are many reasons why this bluish-silver chemical element is so vital to our society, and even our health! Continue below to learn the basic facts about zinc metal, including it common properties and applications.

Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322
Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Most Zinc is a Man-Made Alloy

Zinc is mainly mined from natural ore containing zinc blende, zinc sulfide, or sphalerite. Although pure zinc is a naturally-occurring metal well-abundant in Earth’s crust, the majority of zinc are alloys, or blends of zinc and other elements. In fact, the use of zinc alloys can be authentically dated back as far as 500 BC! And did you know that if you add some copper to it, you get brass? It’s true! Brass is a common zinc alloy. Artifacts of zinc alloys can be dated back to the Roman Empire and beyond, from coins and weapons, to art, instruments, jewelry, and more.

In the year 1837, a man by the name of Stanislas Sorel announced his new development known as galvanization, which is the process of coating other metals and metal alloys with a layer of zinc for cathodic protection and more. In fact, galvanization is the primary industrial use of pure zinc today. Take some time to learn about the most common techniques for galvanizing metal to understand the process even better! But Sorel cannot take all the credit. It wasn’t until a man named Luigi Galvani stumbled upon the enlivening impact of electricity while dissecting frogs for autopsy!

Zinc Facts That Will Stimulate Your Mind

Zinc is a base metal. What are base metals? Well, there are many definitions depending on the context. Primarily, they are metals that are neither noble nor precious, but widely available and low in cost. When zinc is room-temperature, it is brittle, and appears blue-silver in color. After a good polishing, it can appear bright silver.

The most common application of pure zinc in today’s society is steel galvanization. Other applications include the manufacturing of marine components and commodities, as well as musical instruments, fire retardants, trophies, medals, and of course, brass production.

Zinc is not considered a strong metal. It is weak, containing less than 50% the tensile strength of mild carbon steel. It is also brittle, yet can endure high impacts. For this reason, it is not used in heavy-load applications, but often used for die-casting mechanical parts from zinc.

Zinc is a ductile metal between the temperatures of 212 and 302 degrees Fahrenheit. Within this temperature range, it is also very malleable. If it gets hotter, it returns to being very brittle. Zinc is a moderately conductive metal. It does retain strong electro-chemical properties, which is why it is often used in the battery making process.

Zinc is an essential trace element for people! In fact, it is the 2nd most abundant trace element behind iron in human beings. If you are zinc-deficient, you might experience a loss of appetite. Eat more red meat, nuts, oysters, lobster, whole grains, and beans for natural sources of healthy zinc. Or simply take OTC zinc supplements.

Zinc is a non-ferrous metal, which means it does not contain iron. Non-ferrous metals are 100% recyclable, and therefore, can be reused infinitely.

Where to Recycle Scrap Metal in Indianapolis

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle scrap metal in Indianapolis, or in Central and Southern Indiana. We pay cash on the spot for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as, junk cars, automotive parts, appliances, construction equipment, motorized farming equipment, and much more! Get rid of your junk and make some fast cash at the same time.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322