Tips for Finding a Trustworthy Scrap Metal Recycling Company

In a world increasingly conscious about sustainable living, the practice of scrapping and recycling metal has gained significant traction. But when it comes to choosing the right partner to recycle your scrap metal, how do you make sure you’re picking a reputable company?

This comprehensive guide walks Eco-conscious consumers, small business owners, and construction managers through the steps to identify a trustworthy scrap metal recycling company. We’ll cover what to look for in a recycling partner, the services they should offer, and the broader environmental impact of your choice.

Call 1-888-586-5322 to Get a Free Quote From Our Scrap Metal Recycling Center in Indianapolis
Call 1-888-586-5322 to Get a Free Quote From Our Scrap Metal Recycling Center in Indianapolis

The Importance of Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling plays a crucial role in reducing waste and conserving natural resources. By reusing metals, we cut down on the energy required to mine and process new materials. This not only helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also diminishes the ecological footprint of manufacturing industries. For Eco-conscious consumers, small business owners, and construction managers, participating in scrap metal recycling is a meaningful way to contribute to environmental sustainability.

Growing Trend of Eco-Consciousness

The awareness around sustainable living is growing. More people are realizing the importance of reducing waste and recycling materials. This shift in mindset is not only beneficial for the environment but also for businesses that can capitalize on this trend by promoting their green practices. Choosing a reputable scrap metal buyer aligns with this trend and ensures that the materials are processed responsibly.

What to Look for in a Reputable Scrap Metal Recycling Center

Reputation and Reliability

When choosing a scrap metal recycling center, reputation is key. Look for companies with positive reviews and testimonials. Check their history and see how long they’ve been in business. A long-standing company is likely to be more reliable and experienced. Don’t hesitate to ask for references from past clients.

Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Ensuring that the recycling business complies with environmental regulations is crucial. These regulations are in place to protect the environment from improper waste management practices. A reputable scrap metal buyer will have all the necessary permits and certifications. They should also provide proper documentation and reports to prove their compliance. This transparency is a good indicator of their reliability.

Proper Documentation and Transparency

Proper documentation is essential in the recycling industry. It ensures that the materials are being handled and processed correctly. A reputable company will provide detailed documentation of the recycling process, including weight tickets, material analysis, and proof of recycling. This transparency builds trust and assures you that the company is operating ethically.

Typical Services Offered by Scrap Metal Recyclers

Pick-up and Drop-Off Options

Convenience is an important factor when choosing a recycling center. Many reputable scrap metal buying companies offer pick-up and drop-off services. This means that they will come to your location to collect the scrap metal, saving you time and effort. Some companies even provide containers for easier collection and transportation of the materials.

On-Site Recycling for Construction Projects

For general contractors and construction managers, on-site construction recycling services can be incredibly beneficial. These services involve setting up recycling stations at the construction site, allowing for immediate processing of scrap metal. This not only saves time but also ensures that the materials are handled properly right from the start. It’s an efficient way to manage waste during large-scale projects.

Range of Services

A good recycling center will offer a variety of services to meet different needs. This can include sorting and grading the materials, providing specialized equipment for handling large or hazardous items, and offering consultation services to help you manage your recyclable waste more effectively. The more comprehensive the services, the better they can cater to your specific requirements.

Environmental Benefits of Scrap Metal Recycling

Recycling scrap metal has numerous environmental benefits. It reduces the need for mining, which is a major contributor to environmental degradation. By reusing existing materials, we conserve natural resources and reduce the energy consumption associated with producing new metals. This leads to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change.

Reduced Energy Consumption

The process of recycling metal uses less energy compared to extracting and processing virgin materials. For instance, aluminum recycling saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce new aluminum from ore. This energy savings translates to lower carbon emissions and a smaller environmental footprint. It’s a win-win situation for both businesses and the environment.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

One of the most significant benefits of recycling scrap metal is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The manufacturing process of new metals releases a large amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. By recycling, we reduce the need for these processes, thereby decreasing the overall emissions. This contributes to cleaner air and a healthier planet.


Choosing a reputable scrap metal recycling company is not just about getting rid of waste; it’s about making a positive impact on the environment and supporting sustainable practices. By considering factors like reputation, services offered, and compliance with environmental regulations, you can make an informed decision that benefits both your business and the planet.

For those looking to take the next step, our team is here to help. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional, EPA-regulated scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all types of scrap metal, but we pay out the highest offers around.

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The Benefits of Aluminum Recycling: Unlocking Sustainable Solutions

Aluminum recycling stands at the forefront of a significant environmental revolution. With its intrinsic properties that allow for indefinite repurposing, recycled aluminum embodies sustainable material practices. Understanding the importance and process of aluminum recycling empowers us, as consumers and environmental stewards, to make tangible contributions to the planet’s well-being.

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Aluminum Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Aluminum Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

The Environmental Impact of Aluminum Recycling

The environmental benefits of aluminum recycling are profound. In comparison to the energy-intensive process of mining new aluminum, recycling yields substantial energy savings. Each ton of recycled aluminum prevents the extraction of four tons of bauxite — the raw material used in aluminum production — and the associated environmental impact.

Recycling aluminum also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The production of primary aluminum is among the largest contributors to industrial CO2 emissions, directly linked to global climate change. By opting for recycled aluminum, we collectively take a step towards curbing these detrimental effects.

Beyond these energy and emission statistics, aluminum recycling promotes a circular economy, a system designed to eradicate waste and regenerate materials. This process not only extends the life cycle of aluminum but also reduces the burden on landfills, where aluminum takes an unconscionably long time to decompose.

Aluminum Things You Can Recycle

Beverage Cans – Beverage cans are one of the most common items that contain aluminum and can be recycled. In fact, aluminum beverage cans are the most recycled beverage container in the world. Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours.

Food Containers – Many food containers, such as soup cans and foil pie plates, are made from aluminum and can be recycled. These items often end up in landfills, but by recycling them, we can save valuable resources and reduce waste.

Household Items – Several household items contain aluminum and can be recycled, including aluminum foil, cooking pans, and even some furniture pieces like patio chairs or tables. By recycling these items, we can prevent them from ending up in landfills and conserve natural resources.

Automotive Parts – Aluminum is also commonly used in automotive parts such as engine blocks, wheels, and radiators. These parts can be recycled at specialized facilities to create new products or materials, reducing the need for raw materials and saving energy in the production process.

Electronics – Many electronic devices also contain small amounts of aluminum in their components. While it may not seem like much on its own, when combined with the large number of electronics being disposed of each year, recycling this aluminum can make a significant impact on reducing waste and preserving resources.

Building Materials – Some building materials also contain aluminum, such as window frames and siding on houses or commercial buildings. These materials can be recycled at specialized facilities to create new products or used for other construction projects instead of being sent to landfills.

Aerosol Cans – Aerosol cans used for household cleaning products or personal care items often have an aluminum body that can be recycled after use. It’s important to check with your local recycling program first as some may require you to remove any remaining product before recycling the can.

Bicycles – Bicycles are another item that often contain aluminum and can be recycled. Many bike shops or recycling centers will accept old or broken bicycles for recycling, preventing them from ending up in landfills and allowing the aluminum to be reused.

How to Recycle Aluminum

Participating in aluminum recycling is accessible and can be integrated into our daily lives. It begins with proper segregation — distinguishing aluminum items from general waste. Common sources of aluminum include beverage cans, food containers, appliances, and household items. Ensuring these items are clean and free of any contaminants — such as food residue or plastic— optimizes the recycling process.

Next, find a local scrap metal recycling center or program that accepts aluminum. Many communities offer curbside pick-up for recyclables, including aluminum, while others may have specialized drop-off locations. Familiarize yourself with the rules of your local recycling program, which may dictate the preparation or segregation of materials to maximize efficiency. Educating oneself on what is and isn’t recyclable in your area is key to effective aluminum recycling.

Benefits of Aluminum Recycling for Consumers

The involvement of consumers in the aluminum recycling process is not just impactful for the environment, but also for local economies. Recyclers are often incentivized with financial compensation, especially for high-value scrap, such as aluminum. Consumers can convert their aluminum waste into a resource, earning back some of their recycling efforts.

From a broader perspective, the economic benefits ripple out to communities. Aluminum recycling can generate jobs, stimulate local industry, and foster a culture of environmental responsibility. This not only drives economic growth but also enhances social well-being through sustainable practices.


Aluminum recycling is a potent tool in the arsenal of environmental conservation. It empowers individuals to make a tangible difference and, when scaled across communities and nations, can lead to a significant reduction in our collective environmental footprint. The future of aluminum recycling is intertwined with our commitment to sustainability. By engaging with recycling programs, advocating for better waste management, and making Eco-friendly choices, we pave the way for a more resilient planet.

We encourage you to take the next step on your recycling journey, and in turn, inspire others to do the same. Let’s continue to unlock the green treasure of aluminum recycling and nurture a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Remember, your efforts do not go unnoticed — each aluminum can, container, or piece of scrap aluminum you recycle is a step towards a cleaner, greener Earth. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle aluminum in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including appliances, junk cars, construction equipment, and auto parts.

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The Various Grades of Aluminum Metal
5 Appliances That Contain the Most Scrap Aluminum
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Understanding the Economic Impact of Metal Recycling

Metal recycling represents much more than a sustainable process for managing waste; it stands as a significant contributor to our economy. This process, involving the collection, processing, and selling of scrap metals like aluminum, steel, and copper, serves multiple industries, offering a host of economic benefits. Despite the growing concern for our environment, the economic implications of metal recycling often go undiscussed.

In this blog post, we will delve into the economic impact of metal recycling, shedding light on how this seemingly straightforward process supports job creation, boosts local economies, and promotes sustainable industrial practices.

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis

What is Metal Recycling?

Metal recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, and reprocessing scrap metals for reuse. Commonly recycled metals include iron, steel, aluminum, copper, lead, stainless steel, brass, and other alloys. The metal recycling process begins when individuals and businesses collect scrap metals from sources like construction sites or industrial plants. These metals are then brought to a metal recycling facility, where they’re sorted into different categories based on their composition. The materials are then melted down and processed into raw form before being sold to industrial operations for reuse in the production of new products.

Economic Benefits of Metal Recycling

Metal recycling has long been lauded for its environmental benefits, but the economic advantages should not be overlooked. Here are a few of the top ways metal recycling promotes local and global economic growth:


Metal recycling is an incredibly labor-intensive process that requires numerous workers to properly sort, clean, and process scrap metals. This creates jobs both directly in the metal recycling industry as well as in the industries that rely on recycled materials. In fact, numerous studies have found that metal recycling creates significantly more jobs per ton of material processed than does landfilling or incineration.


Metal recycling facilities provide a much needed service to local businesses and municipalities, helping them dispose of scrap metals in an environmentally friendly manner while also offering economic benefits. In addition, the materials recycled at metal recycling facilities are used to manufacture new products, which in turn supports local businesses and creates a more vibrant economy.


Metal recycling also helps promote sustainable industrial practices by conserving natural resources. By using recycled metal instead of extracting raw ore from the ground, industries can reduce their reliance on natural resources and minimize energy consumption. Recycled metals also have a significantly lower environmental impact than mined materials, producing fewer greenhouse gases and other pollutants.

Metal Recycling and Your Business

Metal recycling is an integral part of any successful business, providing advantages not only to the environment but also to your bottom line. By investing in small business recycling services, you can reduce operating costs while also helping drive economic growth. For instance, using recycled metals in your manufacturing processes allows you to produce more products with less material – resulting in lower overall costs. You can also take advantage of tax incentives offered by local governments for businesses that invest in metal recycling services, providing yet another incentive to make metal recycling a key part of your business operations.

Ultimately, understanding the economic impact of metal recycling is essential if we want to create a more sustainable and prosperous global economy. By taking part in metal recycling efforts, businesses and individuals alike can make a positive contribution to our economy and our planet.

Wrapping Up

The economic implications of metal recycling cannot be overstated – not only does it create jobs and boost local economies, but it also supports sustainable industrial practices that are critical to our global economy. If you’re looking to reduce your environmental footprint and support the global economy, consider taking part in metal recycling efforts. You can start by collecting scrap metals from your home or business and bringing them to a local metal recycling facility – it’s an easy, effective way to make a positive impact on our planet!

So, what are you waiting for? Start investing in metal recycling services today and help create a more sustainable future! Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including iron, steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and more. We also buy junk cars and pay in cash.

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The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Aluminum Cans

Recycling aluminum cans is an easy and effective way to help the environment. By recycling just one aluminum can, you can save enough energy to power a television for three hours! The benefits of recycling go beyond saving energy; it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources, and helps create jobs in the recycling industry.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the environmental advantages of recycling aluminum cans. We’ll discuss how recycled materials are used in production processes as well as look at ways that individuals can start making a difference by participating in local aluminum can collection programs. Finally, we’ll highlight some success stories from communities that have successfully implemented large-scale aluminum can collection initiatives.

So, let’s get started exploring the many environmental benefits associated with recycling aluminum cans!

Call 1-888-586-5322 For Aluminum Can Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 For Aluminum Can Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

The Ecological Benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling

Reduction of Energy Consumption Nationwide

One of the biggest advantages to recycling aluminum cans is that it reduces energy consumption. Aluminum production requires a lot of energy, and according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, producing recycled aluminum uses 95 percent less energy than producing new aluminum from raw materials. In addition to this energy savings, recycling also allows manufacturers to save on costs associated with procuring and processing raw materials – meaning that recycled aluminum can be produced at lower costs than virgin aluminum!

Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Recycling aluminum cans also helps keep greenhouse gas emissions in check by reducing the need for mining operations and transportation of materials used in production processes like smelting ore into metal. The EPA estimates that every ton of recycled aluminum prevents 10 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.

Conservation of Natural Resources

Finally, recycling aluminum cans conserves natural resources by reducing the need to mine new materials from the earth. Aluminum is a non-renewable resource, and it can take up to 500 years for recycled aluminum cans to be reprocessed into new ones. This means that every can recycled today helps preserve our planet’s limited resources for future generations.

How to Contribute to Aluminum Preservation in the U.S.

So how do individuals make an impact? The first step is to identify local aluminum can collection programs in your community or start one of your own! Many municipalities have implemented curbside pickup services for recyclables, so check with your city or town hall to see what options are available near you. Additionally, schools, churches and other organizations may hold periodic trash collection events that accept aluminum cans. Finally, there are many online resources available to help you find the closest recycling locations or start a local initiative of your own.

In recent years, some communities have made great strides in their aluminum can recycling efforts. In Los Angeles, for example, the Department of Water and Power’s Recycling Program successfully collected over 95 million cans in 2019 – setting a new record! And in Charlotte County, Florida, the Solid Waste Division recently launched an ambitious program to collect 1 million aluminum cans over a six-month period – achieving that goal two months ahead of schedule! These successes serve as inspiring examples of how individual and collective efforts can make a real difference when it comes to protecting our environment. 

Get Started With Aluminum Recycling Today!

At the end of the day, there are many environmental benefits associated with recycling aluminum cans. From reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to conserving natural resources, recycling aluminum cans is an easy and effective way for individuals to make a positive impact on our planet. So, take a look at what programs or initiatives are available in your area – or start one of your own! – and join the movement to help protect our environment for future generations.

If you’re looking to sell scrap aluminum cans and materials, it’s important to do your research to ensure you get the best possible price for your scrap metal. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer about aluminum recycling in Indianapolis, Indiana. There is no end to the types of metals we buy – we take it all, regardless of age or condition!

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The Top Five Most Valuable Metals on Earth

From jewelry to electronics and even currency, metals have been used in many aspects of human life for centuries. But not all metals are created equal — some are more valuable than others. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the five most valuable metals on Earth and why they’re so sought-after. We’ll also discuss the importance of metal recycling to help preserve these precious resources.

So, if you want to know more about these incredibly rare and valuable elements, keep reading!

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Metal Recycling Services in Indianapolis

5 of the Most Valuable Metals Found on Planet Earth


The king of all precious metals, gold is one of the rarest elements on Earth and has been used in jewelry and currency for thousands of years. It’s also highly resistant to corrosion and tarnishing, making it a great choice for use in electronics as well. However, its high price tag makes it a luxury item that only the wealthy can afford.


This silvery-white metal is incredibly dense and malleable — two qualities that make platinum perfect for use in catalytic converters and other industrial applications. Its rarity makes it an expensive alternative to gold, but like gold, it’s also considered a safe haven during times of economic instability — thereby driving up its value.


This silvery-white metal is used to create catalytic converters in automobiles and is often a cheaper alternative to platinum — making it one of the most valuable metals on Earth. It’s also used in medical applications, jewelry, and electronics.


A rare element that’s even more expensive than palladium or platinum, rhodium is essential for automobile emissions control systems and other industrial applications. Its bright white hue makes it popular for use in jewelry as well.


Although silver is less rare than gold and many of the other precious metals mentioned here, its price tag can still be quite high depending on its purity. It’s used in coins, jewelry, and electronics — making it a valuable metal to have on hand.

Start Recycling Metal in Your Community

Metal recycling is essential for preserving these valuable metals. By recycling existing metals instead of mining new sources, we can help protect our planet’s resources while also saving money. So, if you’re looking for an environmentally friendly way to conserve these precious materials, consider using metal recycling services near you!

How to Get Started With Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling is a great way to turn your trash into treasure – not only is it good for the environment, but it can also put a little extra cash in your pocket! If you’re thinking of getting started with metal recycling, the first step is to gather up any metal-based items you no longer need or want. This could include metal patio furniture, electronics, old appliances, car parts, tin and aluminum cans, junk cars, and other household scrap.

Once you’ve collected your metal, the next step is to do a little research on local scrap metal recycling centers in Indianapolis. These facilities will typically pay you for your metal and may also offer resources to help you separate different types of metal and maximize your profits. Some will provide free towing for junk cars and motorized equipment. So, go ahead and start your scrap metal recycling journey – it’s a win-win for both you and the planet!

Are you ready to recycle all kinds of metal for cash on the spot in Indy? Just contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all scrap metal, but we pay the most around town.

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5 Appliances That Contain the Most Scrap Aluminum

Procuring an older home or business space might require you to make some hefty renovations and replacements. Appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners are prime examples of common appliances that need to be replaced after so many years. If you are replacing a bunch of old or broken appliances in your home or business, be sure to recycle them for the valuable scrap aluminum inside.

Continue below to learn which appliances contain the most scrap aluminum metal, plus where to get the most cash for appliance recycling in Indianapolis.

Indianapolis Appliance Recycling 1-888-586-5322
Indianapolis Appliance Recycling 1-888-586-5322

Best Appliances for Scrap Aluminum Recycling

Most Indianapolis scrap metal recycling companies accept any and all home and commercial appliances. However, aluminum is more valuable per pound than other metals found in general scrap materials. So, if you’re looking to make a good profit from scrap aluminum recycling, appliance recycling is the way to go. Although appliances generally contain a lot of steel, they are also designed with a notable quantity of aluminum constituents. Appliances that also contain plumbing parts offer copper scrap. This makes these appliances even more valuable, like refrigerators and dishwashing machines.

Get the Most Scrap Aluminum From These 5 Appliances:


Refrigerators will need to be replaced after a certain amount of time. For those who just moved into a previously owned home, the urgency to replace appliances like refrigerators is even higher since everybody wants their very own, clean refrigerator. Refrigerators also break down, which might require them to be replaced. Some people also want to just update the refrigerators because modern technology today offers so many advanced amenities like touchscreens and energy efficient designs. Either way, if you have a refrigerator that you need to get rid of, recycle it for the notable scrap aluminum contents inside.

Air Conditioners

Like most appliances, air conditioners are prone to breaking down. Furthermore, air conditioners need to be replaced every 5 to 8 years. When you have an old air conditioner to get rid of, recycle it for the scrap aluminum metal parts on the interior and exterior of the unit.


Whether gas or electric, stoves are the perfect appliance to recycle. Stoves contain a good amount of aluminum scrap metal. And since stoves tend to be heavier, they can generate a decent profit at a local scrapyard or metal recycling center.


The motor inside of a dishwashing machine contains valuable aluminum scrap metal. Dishwashers also contain a good amount of sheet aluminum metal. Because dishwasher motors also contain copper, they are even more valuable in terms of appliances worthy of recycling.

Washing Machines

Like refrigerators and dishwashers, washing machines are a plumbed appliance, which means they contain both aluminum and copper. Old washing machines can be recycled at local metal scrapyard for high dollar amount. This goes for dryers to!

Are you ready to make an exciting profit from recycling old or broken appliances in Indiana? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer about appliance recycling in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, regardless of age or condition.

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How to Recycle Metal Beer Kegs in Indianapolis

Ah, summer. A time to relax and enjoy all that sunshine and ambient climate bestows upon us. What better way to relish in such pleasure than with some cool, refreshing beer? Summertime is beer season, after all, and many kegs are gratifyingly extinguished by your loyal patrons this time of year. Fortunately, metal beer kegs are also highly durable and therefore reusable, which means you can refill them over and over again so long as they remain in good condition. If a beer keg breaks or loses quality, it is not the best option for storing and serving your brewery’s concoctions to your customers, however, it can be applied in so many other ways through scrap metal recycling!

Continue reading to learn how to recycle metal beer kegs in Indianapolis for cash on the spot!

Brewery Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322
Brewery Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322

Metal Keg Composition and Scrap Value

Primarily made of stainless steel but sometimes aluminum, beer kegs are good sources of recyclable metal, weighing an average of 30 pounds at empty. When comparing the average weight-to-scrap value ratios, take note of 304 stainless steel prices. Right now, 304 stainless steel comes in at $2.02 per pound. This would give your empty metal keg a scrap value of $60.60, give or take. Metal kegs are valuable to scrappers and the economy because they can be reprocessed and reformed into several other commodities, like hardware and machinery components, sheet metal, cables, and more.

A Guide to Brewery Recycling in Indiana

There are scrap metal recycling laws in Indiana that regulate beer keg recycling. But these laws and regulations are in place to abate criminal activity, like theft. For instance, in order to lawfully sell a metal beer keg to a scrapyard, the keg must not be labeled as the property of a brewery unless that brewery is your own or you have permission as the operating manager to recycle your broken or old kegs.

Also, the keg’s identification markings must be legible. If they are not, the scrapper cannot and will not accept the item. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) is a trade association of scrap yard operators that works alongside the Brewers Association and to warn potential sellers that stolen kegs are not accepted and will be reported to authorities.

As the owner or operator of an Indy-based brewery, you may have some broken or old kegs to recycle. The key to recycling metal kegs in Indianapolis is to choose the right scrap metal recycling center. Not all scrappers pay cash for metal scrap, and the ones that do are not always quick to hand over the money. Furthermore, there are scrap dealers out there that do not adhere to local and EPA regulations for responsible scrapping. For these reasons, it is important to find a reputable and experienced Indianapolis scrap metal recycling company that will process your materials responsibly and pay you cash on the spot for its scrap value.

Are you looking for a responsible metal scrapper in your area of Indy? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a certified scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal items, including junk cars, appliances, electronics, construction scrap, aluminum, and more.

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The Various Grades of Aluminum Metal

There is a reason why aluminum is so widely used for both industrial and non-industrial applications. It comes in various grades, all of which retain their own unique and beneficial properties. Continue reading to learn which grades of aluminum are most popular, and where you can recycle your scrap aluminum for cash on the spot in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Indianapolis Scrap Aluminum Buyers
Indianapolis Scrap Aluminum Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Facts About Aluminum Alloy

Aluminum, or aluminum alloy, is a very popular and widely used metal in America. Products and commodities such as foil, eyeglasses, gutters, soda cans, pots and pans, bicycles, plumbing fixtures, patio furniture, window frames, door frames, car wheels, ladders, golf clubs, and even airplanes commonly retain aluminum and aluminum alloy components.

It is found on the periodic table with the symbol “Al” and atomic number 13. It has a silvery white finish, and mostly admired for its magnetic and ductile (good heat conductivity) properties. This makes aluminum a ferrous metal, meaning it contains iron. All of these attributes make it a well-suited match for kitchen back splashes, food preparation surfaces, factory processing equipment, metal roofing, paneling, siding, and more.

Top 9 Grades of Aluminum Alloys on the Market:

► Alloy 1100
► Alloy 2012
► Alloy 2014
► Alloy 2024
► Alloy 3003
► Alloy 5052
► Alloy 6061
► Alloy 6063
► Alloy 7075

Why You Should Always Recycle Your Aluminum Scrap

Did you know that the process of mining and producing aluminum takes more energy than any other metal? It’s true! The amount of energy used to produce just 4 cans of aluminum for soda is hypothetically equivalent to filling up a single soda can with pure gasoline. Similarly, recycling just 1 aluminum soda can saves enough electricity to run a laptop computer for 4 hours, or power your television for 1 hour! So you can see the importance of preserving this limited and vital natural resource.

Fortunately, all you have to do to responsibly recycle aluminum metal is contact a local and reputable Indianapolis Indiana metal recycling service to recycle your junk metal for cash on the spot! That’s right; recycling metal earns you instant cash!

Where to Recycle Metal in Indianapolis and Central Indiana

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to get paid cash for scrap metal in Central and Southern Indiana. Our Indianapolis metal recycling professionals pay cash on the spot for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including junk cars, automotive parts, appliances, construction equipment, motorized farming equipment, and more. There is really no end to the metals we buy in Indiana. Request a free estimate for your scrap metal, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

The Best Corrosion-Resistant Metals

Metals that are resistant to corrosion and oxidation are known as corrosion resistant alloys (CRA’s). They are an essential building material that is used in a wide range of manufacturing, construction, and factory applications. There are many types of corrosion-resistant alloys and metals, but some take the cake as being the best.

Continue reading to learn some of the most popular types of corrosion-resistant metals, and what to do with old, corroded metal that cannot be restored.

Scrap Metal Selling 1-888-586-5322
Scrap Metal Buying and Selling 1-888-586-5322

Stainless Steel is the Best Bet to Fending Off Corrosion

Stainless steel metal is something we are seeing more and more these days, everywhere you look. This special metal has a much higher chromium content, as well as a translucent coating that prevents discoloration and, you guessed it, corrosion. Stainless steel comes in many grades and finishes, all of which offer their own unique appeal or performance. Industries all across the nation benefit from stainless steel applications and assets, including food handling, food processing, medical instruments, hardware, appliances, architecture, and much more.

Compared to carbon steel, stainless steel has a much higher chromium content, so when exposed to conditions that would otherwise make it rust or corrode, it instead forms a passive coating of chromium oxide that prevents further deterioration. Not only does it not corrode and does not require a protective coating, it is also easy to clean and sterilize. See our blog, “The Difference Between Mild Steel and Stainless Steel” to learn why stainless steel materials are better for corrosion-resistant applications.

Additional Corrosion Resistant Alloys

Other corrosion-resistant alloys to consider for your building project include 316L austenitic stainless steel, alloy 22, and ZERON® 100. The most common applications for austenitic stainless steel include clad line pipe building, surface piping, and vessel cladding. One downfall is that it will pit of exposed to oxygen. Alloy 22 is typically used for conditions that require resistance to oxidizing acid chlorides, wet chlorine, mixtures containing nitric acid or oxidizing acids with chlorine ions, formic and acetic acids, ferric and cupric chlorides, brine, salt water, and even reducing acids like sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. ZERON® 100 is highly resistant to both pitting and corrosion in the presence of salt water, stress corrosion cracking, and similar elemental conditions.

How to Dispose of Old, Corroded Scrap Metal and Materials

You might think that rusty hunk of sheet metal or car frame is simply junk, but it’s actually worth real cash. Contact a local Indianapolis scrap metal buyer and sell your corroded steel and metal commodities for an instant cash profit! Your junk is their gold! Regardless of age, make, model, or condition, a trusted Indiana metal recycling center will take it off your hands, and pay you the real market value for its weight. If you choose your scrap metal buyer wisely, you won’t even need to travel! They will come to you and haul away your scrap metal, free of charge.

The Scrap Metal Center That Will Pay You the Most in Central Indiana

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle scrap metal in Indiana. Our Indianapolis metal recycling professionals pay cash on the spot for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including junk cars, automotive parts, appliances, construction equipment, motorized farming equipment, and more. We serve all of Indianapolis and Central Indiana. Request a free estimate for your scrap metal, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

Common Types of Corrosion Resistant Alloys

If you are looking to earn some money in metal recycling, be sure you are looking for quality metals to sell to your local scrap metal buyers! One of the most highly sought out metals are those that are resistant to corrosion. If you can find corrosion-resistant scrap metal to recycle at a local scrap metal center, you are in for quite the profit.

Continue reading to learn which metals are most resistant to corrosion, and where you might find them at.

Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers
Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Metals That Resist Corrosion

There are several types of metals and alloys that are resistant to corrosion, including oxidation, or rust. However, the most dependable, and therefore mostly applied, are stainless steel, galvanized steel aluminum, and copper, including bronze and brass.

Stainless Steel

Because stainless steel is made using a combination of nickel, magnesium, chromium copper and iron, it is a very strong and durable alloy that contains several properties that deliver a wide range of benefits. Although its chromium content makes it highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation, if the surface is scratched, it can sometimes develop rust. For this reason, the 304 series is the most common version of stainless steel used in industries where rust is forbidden, such as the restaurant and food industry. Ths type of stainless steel is the most resistant to rust and corrosion. You can find it in components like kitchen sinks, food processing equipment, steam table pans, and more.

Galvanized Steel

Galvanized steel is steel that has been treated with an outer layer or coating of zinc. Galvanization is a process that applies a type of sealant on metal to protect it from natural wear and tear, like rust. It involves coating metal with an outer layer of metallic zinc by means of electroplating or hot-dip galvanizing. The zinc stops any substances, like moisture and oxygen, to penetrate the metal. This reduces rust formation and preserves the structural integrity of metal.


Aluminum is found on the periodic table with the symbol “Al” and atomic number 13. It has a silvery white finish, and mostly admired for its magnetic and ductile (good heat conductivity) properties. This makes aluminum a ferrous metal, meaning it contains iron. Compared to stainless steel, aluminum has higher oxidation and corrosion resistance properties, and is very light in weight. You can find aluminum in the form of food and soda cans, rolled foil, kitchen back splashes, counter tops, food preparation surfaces, factory processing equipment, and more.

Copper, Bronze, and Brass

Because copper, bronze and brass retain little to no iron content, they do not rust. They can, however, react with oxygen which can lead to a beneficial type of oxidation. You see, copper oxidizes over time and forms a green patina that shields the copper from further oxidization and corrosion. Bronze is an alloy of copper. A combination of copper and tin makes a copper alloy known as bronze. It, along with small amounts of other elements within, are naturally more resistant to corrosion than copper. The same facts apply to brass, which is also an alloy of copper made from zinc and other elements, and also highly resistant to corrosion.

Where to Recycle Scrap Metal for Cash

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle metal in Indianapolis, or in Central and Southern Indiana. We pay cash on the spot for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as, junk cars, automotive parts, appliances, construction equipment, motorized farming equipment, and much more! Get rid of your junk and make some fast cash at the same time.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322