Innovative Ways to Recycle Scrap Metal in Your Community

In an era where sustainability is more than a buzzword and climate change concerns loom large, recycling takes center stage, particularly with materials like scrap metal. Despite its ubiquity, scrap metal often ends up in landfills when it can be efficiently repurposed. However, with a bit of creativity and community involvement, we can turn this around.

This post will explore some innovative ways to recycle scrap metal in your community, highlighting how to engage scrap metal buyers efficiently and understand scrap metal prices. By the end of this blog, you’ll be equipped with the information and inspiration you need to make a real, positive environmental impact right from your doorstep. Stay tuned!

Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 For Scrap Metal Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

Scrap Metal Recycling: Understanding the Basics

Before delving into how you can contribute to scrap metal recycling, let’s go through some fundamentals. Scrap metal is a byproduct of our everyday lives, ranging from old appliances and electronics to car parts and construction materials. The good news is that all types of scrap metals are recyclable, including steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and iron. Recycling scrap metal has numerous environmental benefits, including reducing the need for mining and conserving energy. Plus, it can also help reduce pollution by keeping potentially hazardous materials out of landfills. To top it off, recycling scrap metal is an efficient way to generate income as well.

Getting to Know Your Local Scrap Metal Buyers

To ensure your community’s scrap metal recycling efforts are successful, it’s essential to know your local scrap metal buyers. These are individuals or businesses that specialize in purchasing and processing scrap metals for recycling purposes. Some common types of scrap metal buyers include:

Scrap yards: these facilities accept all types of scrap metals and process them before selling them to manufacturers.

Metal dealers: they typically deal with specific types of scrap metals, such as copper or aluminum.

Recycling centers: these facilities focus on collecting and processing recyclable materials, including scrap metals.

Finding a reputable scrap metal buyer in your community is crucial for successful recycling efforts. You can ask around for recommendations from friends or local businesses and do some research online to find the best options available.

Understanding Scrap Metal Prices

Scrap metal prices are determined by several factors, including the type of metal, its condition, and global market demand. Generally, the more valuable a metal is, the higher the price it will fetch. Understanding scrap metal prices can help you make informed decisions about recycling and selling your scrap metals. You can keep track of current scrap metal prices online or by checking with your local buyers. Additionally, it’s worth noting that scrap metal prices can fluctuate, so it’s essential to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to sell.

Innovative Ways to Recycle Scrap Metal in Your Community

Now that you have a basic understanding of scrap metal recycling let’s explore some innovative ways you can do your part in your community:

Organize a Community Scrap Metal Drive:

One of the most effective ways to recycle scrap metal in your community is by organizing a scrap metal drive. This involves collecting scrap metal from households and businesses in your neighborhood and pooling it together for recycling. You can reach out to local scrap metal buyers who may be willing to sponsor or support your efforts. Hosting a competition or offering incentives, such as gift cards, can also encourage more people to participate.

Partner with Local Businesses:

Businesses often generate a significant amount of scrap metal, from old machinery and equipment to packaging materials. By partnering with local businesses, you can help them recycle their scrap metal while also promoting sustainability in your community. You can offer to collect their scrap metal regularly or collaborate on larger projects like construction or demolition waste recycling.

Host a Recycling Event:

Hosting a recycling event is an excellent way to bring your community together while promoting scrap metal recycling. You can partner with local organizations, schools, and businesses to organize activities like art installations made from recycled scrap metal or educational workshops on the importance of recycling. This can help raise awareness and encourage others to get involved in sustainable practices.


Recycling scrap metal is not only beneficial to the environment but also provides valuable resources and can even generate income for your community. By understanding the basics of scrap metal recycling, getting to know your local buyers, and exploring innovative ways to recycle, you can make a positive impact in your community. Remember that every small effort counts towards building a more sustainable future, so don’t hesitate to get involved and spread the word about the importance of recycling scrap metal. Together, we can make a difference! 

Interact with us to learn more about iron recycling and ways you can be part of the solution. Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including appliances, junk cars, construction equipment, and auto parts.

Related Posts:

The Benefits of Metal Recycling for the Environment
How to Find and Sell Scrap Metal in Your Town
Different Types of Metals and How They Can Be Recycled

Copper Recycling 101: How to Make the Most out of Your Scrap

Welcome to the world of copper recycling, a place where your scrap copper doesn’t just have to be a pile of waste, but a source of potential profit and a means to contribute positively to the environment. By understanding the basics of copper recycling, the various grades of copper, and how to handle scrap copper, you can turn what was once considered ‘junk’ into a valuable commodity.

In this blog post, we’re going to guide you through the ins and outs of making the most out of your scrap, ensuring you’re well-prepared to navigate the fascinating sector of copper recycling. Buckle up and let’s journey together into this lucrative and Eco-friendly world!

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Copper Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Scrap Copper Recycling in Indianapolis Indiana

Why Recycle Copper?

Before we delve into the technicalities of recycling copper, let’s take a moment to understand why it’s crucial to recycle copper in the first place. Unlike other metals, such as iron and aluminum, copper is non-renewable and its supply is limited. This means that once all the available copper has been mined and used, there won’t be any left for future generations. Moreover, mining and manufacturing copper from raw ore is a resource-intensive process that has a significant impact on the environment. By recycling copper, we can reduce the need for mining and processing, conserving resources and minimizing environmental damage.

Grades of Copper

Not all copper is created equal; there are various grades of copper used in different applications. The most common grades of copper include:

#1 Copper – This is the highest grade of copper, consisting of clean and unalloyed copper with no coatings or contaminants.

#2 Copper – This grade has some level of oxidation or corrosion, making it slightly less valuable than #1 copper.

Mixed Copper – As the name suggests, this grade includes a mix of various types of copper, including #1 and #2, as well as other metals like brass or tin.

Insulated Copper Wire – This comprises copper wire coated in plastic insulation, making it slightly harder to recycle but still valuable.

It’s crucial to know the different grades of copper when recycling scrap, as the price you receive for your scrap will depend on its grade. The purer the copper, the more valuable it is.

Handling Scrap Copper

Now that you understand why recycling copper is essential and the different grades of copper, let’s dive into how to handle your scrap. First and foremost, safety should always come first when handling any type of metal. Wear gloves and protective clothing to avoid cuts or other injuries. Next, separate your scrap copper based on its grade to ensure you get the best price for each type. You can use a magnet to sort out ferrous metals (those containing iron), as they won’t be accepted at most scrap metal recycling centers.

Bonus Tips for Recycling Copper:

Did you know that some recycling facilities offer pickup services for large quantities of scrap metal? This can save you time and effort, especially if you have a lot of scrap to recycle.

Keep an eye on copper prices in the market, as they can fluctuate. If possible, hold onto your scrap until prices are higher for maximum profit.

Don’t forget to properly clean and dry your scrap before taking it to a recycling facility. This will ensure you get the best price for your copper.  Finally, always do your research and find a reputable scrap metal recycling company that offer fair prices for your scrap.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You now have a basic understanding of copper recycling, grades of copper, and how to handle your scrap. By recycling your scrap copper, not only are you helping to preserve the environment and conserve resources, but you’re also turning a profit. So the next time you come across some scrap copper, remember that it’s more than just waste – it’s an opportunity for a sustainable future and a healthier planet.

Are you ready to recycle copper scrap and other metals for cash on the spot in Indy? Just contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all scrap metal, but we pay the most around town.

Related Posts:

The Environmental Impact of Copper Mining and How Recycling Can Help
Tips for Stripping Copper Wire for Scrap Metal
Where To Look For Scrap Copper

An Overview of Different Types of Metals and How They Can Be Recycled

Metals are some of the most widely used materials in the world. They can be found in everything from cars and buildings to jewelry and electronics. While metals have many useful properties, they also present a unique challenge when it comes to disposal – because they are often difficult to recycle or reuse. That’s why it’s important for us all to understand how metal recycling works, so we can do our part in reducing waste and protecting our environment.

In this blog post, we’ll take an overview of different types of metals commonly used today and explore how each one is recycled or reused. We’ll also discuss the benefits of metal recycling and what you can do to help make sure your scrap metal is responsibly disposed of. With this knowledge, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions about how you use and dispose of metals!

Call 1-888-586-5322 for Indiana Metal Recycling Services
Call 1-888-586-5322 for Indiana Metal Recycling Services

Benefits of Metal Recycling

The benefits of recycling scrap metal are numerous, but perhaps the most important is that it helps to reduce waste going into landfills and other disposal sites. By taking scrap metal to a recycler, you can be sure that it will not end up in our oceans or other natural environments where it could cause damage or pollution. Additionally, when scrap metal is recycled responsibly, fewer resources are needed to make new products – saving energy and reducing our carbon footprint.

Types of Metal You Can Recycle

Ferrous Metals: Ferrous metals are those that contain iron. These metals are the most commonly recycled as they can be melted down and reused in a variety of different processes. Common examples include steel, which is used to make cars, auto parts, bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure; and cast iron, which is used in many pipes, fittings, and manhole covers. To recycle ferrous metals, you will need to take them to a scrap metal dealer where they will be sorted and sold for reuse.

Non-Ferrous Metals: Non-ferrous metals are those that don’t contain any iron. Because these metals cannot be melted down for reuse like their ferrous counterparts, non-ferrous metals must usually be recycled through a different process. This usually involves breaking down the metal into its component parts and reusing them in different products. Common examples of non-ferrous metals include aluminum, copper, brass, and bronze – all of which can be recycled for reuse in either their original form or as part of another product.

Precious Metals: Precious metals are those that are rare and valuable. These metals include gold, silver, platinum, and palladium – all of which can be recycled for reuse in jewelry, electronics, and other products. To recycle precious metals, you will need to take them to a specialized recycling facility that can process these materials properly.

How to Recycle Metal Responsibly

To ensure that your scrap metal is recycled responsibly, there are a few things you can do. First, check with your local recycling center to find out what metals they accept and how they process them. Second, make sure to separate different types of metallic materials into different containers before taking them for recycling. This will help the facility process everything more efficiently and reduce contamination from other materials. Finally, look for certified recyclers who use environmentally friendly processes when dealing with scrap metal.

In Summary

By understanding the different types of metals available and how they can be recycled or reused, we can all do our part in protecting the environment and reducing waste. Metal recycling is an important part of preserving our resources and ensuring that future generations have access to the materials they need. So, take a moment to think about how you use metals in your day-to-day life – and do your part today by recycling your scrap metal responsibly!

Would you like to get paid cash on the spot for recycling scrap metal in Central Indiana? Just contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 for professional, EPA-regulated scrap metal recycling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for all grades of scrap metal, but we pay out the highest offers around.

Related Posts:

Interesting Facts About Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Recycling
The Top Five Most Valuable Metals on Earth
The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Aluminum Cans

3 Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Scrap Metal Buyer

If you have a freight of scrap metal ready to be recycled and repurposed, you are in a great position. Not only will you be helping the environment by reducing our need to mine for new orders and generate air pollution through the metal refining process, but you are also sitting on a worthy profit. right now, scrap metal prices are good, which means you can make a decent amount of money by selling your scrap metal to a local Indianapolis scrap metal buyer. But beware, not all scrap metal buyers are alike. It is important to choose the right Indiana metal recycling center if you want to bring home the maximum payload for your scrap metal materials.

Continue reading to learn the top three factors to consider before choosing scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Scrap Metal Buyers Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322
Scrap Metal Buyers Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322

How to Select the Right Scrap Metal Recycling Center

there are certain attributes you should be looking for when researching scrap metal recycling centers in Indiana. These attributes best speak to the overall culture and character of the business. The things you want to focus on include adequate insurance coverage, environmentally-friendly business practices, experience, client testimonials, and customer amenities.

However, the top 3 factors to consider before selecting a scrap metal recycling center in Indianapolis include insurance, experience, and customer support.

Scrap Metal Recycling Businesses Should Be Insured

Sufficient insurance coverage is important for any business that provides a service. Not only should they have full liability insurance, but they should also have insurance coverage that is designed to protect tow truck operators and heavy haulers from accidents caused by heavier shifting cargo loads. Choosing an insured metal recycling business protects both you and the company from any liability in the case of accidents or property damages.

Metal Recycling Centers Should Have a Lot of Experience

Experience is also pretty universal when it comes to choosing a company you can trust. When selecting a metal recycling center in Indianapolis, look for one that has plenty of experience and who is well established within the community. Ample experience indicates that a business is worthy of trust and that customers continue to do business with them because of the integrity and customer support.

Scrap Metal Buyers Should Offer Convenient Amenities

when you begin your search for scrap metal recycling centers, you will notice that there are plenty of options to choose from. But you want to look for a company that has the above to mention attributes, as well as award the list of client amenities. Client amenities are services that make the scrap metal recycling process easier for customers, such as free junk car removal, free haul-away for large scrap metal materials, free estimates, and more.

Would you like to skip the hassle of finding the right scrap metal buyer in Indiana to do business with? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle scrap metal in Indianapolis and bring home the largest payload for your materials. We accept all metal and metal commodities, including junk cars, which we haul away for FREE!

Related Posts:

Important Scrap Metal Terms and Definitions
The Price Difference Between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal
4 Benefits of Recycling Scrap Metal

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

Top 5 Metals to Source From Household Scrap

There are various benefits to metal recycling, which is why it is one of the most esteemed ecological initiatives across the world. All metal can be recycled, repurposed, and refurbished into new commodities. In fact, recycled metal has useful applications in countless industries, including automotive manufacturing, construction and building, and even mechanical engineering.

The best part about metal recycling is that you don’t even have to leave your own house! From the garage to the basement and everywhere in between, household scrap can be turned into valuable trade-ins at your local metal recycling center. Continue reading to learn the top five metals to source from your household scrap!

Household Scrap Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322
Household Scrap Metal Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 1-888-586-5322

Common Scrap Metals Found Right At Home

When you begin your search for scrap metal to recycle, don’t skip any square footage of your house. Scrap metal can be found in all sorts of places, including the garage, basement, attic, shed, kitchen, closets, and much more. Here’s a little guide to help you figure out where you can begin your search for recyclable metal at home:

Stainless Steel

You probably don’t have to look very far to find stainless steel in your house. Refrigerators are one of the most common forms of stainless steel found in home or in an office, but other appliances commonly made with large amounts of stainless steel include washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwashing machines, and microwaves. Other types of stainless steel scrap you may find around the house include old lighting elements, plumbing fixtures, and kitchen sinks.


Scrap aluminum can be found in various forms all around the house. The most common type of aluminum scrap metal our food and soda cans. However, these cans can sometimes be made of tin other types of aluminum scrap include old fencing, aluminum siding, downspouts, gutters, and flat sheet metal roofing. If you have it, old aluminum cookware can be recycled too!


Copper is 100% recyclable, and easily sourced in the average household scrap. Anything with a computer, which includes most electronics, will contain copper wiring, which is a valuable asset to any local Indianapolis metal recycling center. Additional sources of copper include plumbing fixtures, copper gutter systems, metal house to core, and construction materials.


Brass looks a lot like copper and performs quite similarly too, but it is a completely different metal. Not to worry though, as brass and copper are both valuable metals that can be recycled. Around the house, look for scrap brass in the form of old plumbing fixtures, doorknobs, home décor, statuettes, trophies, and bed frames.


If you have some old cast-iron skillets, they are a perfectly recyclable metal. Other forms of cast iron to look for around the house include cast-iron pots, fireplace pokers, radiators, boilers, and even in bathtubs. Plumbing pipes that are very old may also have cast iron components that can be recycled.

Are you looking for a local metal recycling center you can trust to pay you the most money for your household scrap? Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle household scrap metal in Central and Southern Indiana for cash on the spot!

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Do You Know What Makes Brass and Bronze Different From Each Other?
3 Types of Magnetic Stainless Steel
The Various Grades of Aluminum Metal

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

What You Can Do With Surplus Steel

Whether you own a construction company or teach a metal fabrication class, having a surplus of leftover steel from a recent project can benefit you greatly in many ways. Continue reading to learn what you can do with surplus steel, including one way that will make you an instant cash profit right here in central Indiana.

Steel Recycling Center Indianapolis IN 1-888-586-5322
Steel Recycling Center Indianapolis IN 1-888-586-5322

The Advantages of Scrap Steel

One the best attributes of scrap steel is that it is 100% recyclable and can be repurposed into a countless number of commodities applicable in a wide range of industries. From construction and farming to automotive manufacturing, food canning, and much more, steel plays a vital role in our nation’s economy, as well as the global economy.

So, when you have leftover steel that seems to serve no purpose, look to these ideas to make the most out of your scrap metal:


Do you have an artist in the family? Scrap metal, especially steel piping and sheet metal, can be used to create magnificent art projects and artworks. From sculptures and statues to abstract figures and more, steel makes the perfect material for molding and welding art of all forms.

Structural Repairs

If you consider yourself a pretty capable handyman, you can use your left over scrap steel to provide certain reinforcements and repairs around your home or business. You can use scrap steel to build handrails and banisters, or to reinforce patios and decking.

Shed Construction

If you are preparing to build a new shed or storage utility barn on your property, your leftover steel scrap can be put to good use. Talk to your general contractor about incorporating your left over scrap in order to reduce the cost of materials.

Steel Recycling

The best thing you could possibly do with your surplus steel is to sell it to a local metal recycling center for cash on the spot. Not all metal recycling centers in Indiana pay cash on the spot, or at all for that matter, so it’s important for you to do your research. Supporting steel recycling is an important initiative that can make you feel good and fatten up your wallet!

Are you looking for a trusted Indiana metal recycling company that will pay you top dollar for your steel? Contact Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to speak with a professional scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We accept all scrap metal and metal commodities, including scrap steel and construction scrap.

Related Posts:

Why You Should Recycle Steel Automotive Parts
This Fact About Steel Will Shock You
The Basic Types of Steel Metal

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

How to Renew Outdoor Aluminum Furniture

Aluminum is a widely-useful element that occurs naturally and abundantly within the Earth’s crust. It services several uses for several industries: including aerospace, transportation, building, electrical, food and beverage, and much more. Its unique properties are what makes aluminum so versatile and beneficial. It is soft, non-magnetic, non-toxic, low density, resistant to corrosion, flexible, and retains high thermal conductivity. It is also a decent conductor of electricity.

Although relatively low maintenance compared to other alloys, just like any other good-quality metal, aluminum can benefit greatly from an occasional polish. It is lightweight and strong, but still susceptible to natural wear and tear. This is especially true for outdoor uses of aluminum, such as playgrounds or furniture. For this reason, a small degree of maintenance is important for aluminum possessions or belongings.

Continue reading to learn some tips for polishing aluminum outdoor furniture, and what options are available for those who require routine cleaning and polishing services for their properties.

Indianapolis Scrap Aluminum Buyers 1-888-586-5322
Indianapolis Scrap Aluminum Buyers 1-888-586-5322

How to Polish Aluminum

After some time, natural wear and tear can cause aluminum furniture to fade, scratch, or scuff. A good polish can restore old-looking aluminum and make it look virtually brand new again. Polishing processes and methods differ depending on what surface is being shined. But when it comes to outdoor furniture, or any aluminum furniture, a simple dish rag and mild soap will do.

There is no need to purchase store-bought polishes or chemicals to polish newer aluminum. Instead, grab a clean cloth and dip it in a mild soap and clean water mix. Give the aluminum parts a good wipe down, and then wipe them dry with a separate clean towel. Do this from time to time, generally around the start and end of every season.

Treating Older Furnishings

For older or worn aluminum furniture, it is necessary to go the polish route. Look for a general aluminum polish product at your local hardware or garden store. A good quality polish will not only restore shine and reflection back into the metal, it will also fill in scratches and scuff marks. It is important to read the manufacturer directions before using aluminum polish for the first time. In order the get the best possible results, it is mandatory to follow all manufacturers’ instructions before treated aluminum metal furniture.

Storing Outdoor Furnishings for Winter?

As you prepare your property for the rest of the winter season, take note of the condition of your outdoor furniture. If your restoration efforts were not effective, you might have a strong urge to purchase new outdoor furniture next year. In this case, make the most of your scrap furnishings and recycle them for cash! Local scrap metal recycling centers will pay cash on the spot for solid, quality metal. Just be sure to choose the right scrap metal buyers for the best profit!

Where to Sell Old Metal Furniture in Indianapolis

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to sell scrap metal in Indianapolis, Indiana. We pay cash on the spot for all metal and metal commodities, including vehicles, car parts, appliances, construction equipment, farming equipment, and much more! Collect all the scrap metal you can, and then sell it to us for the highest profit in town! Request a free estimate or information, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

How to Safely Get Rid of a Used Car Battery

We have all had to change a car battery in our lives. It is a familiar circumstance for many drivers. Once a car battery has died, you contact a friend or roadside assistance company to either jump start it again, or replace it entirely. We are all aware of how to change a car battery, but many of us are not sure what to do with the old one once it’s removed. There are many things within an automotive battery that allow it to operate and function properly. Unfortunately, many of them are harmful to the environment and a hazard for us as well.

Continue reading to learn how to safely dispose of car batteries in order to protect our Eco-system and communities.

Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322
Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Car Battery Disposal

The constituents within a car battery are mostly chemical-based. These chemicals can be extensively damaging to plant life, Eco-systems, water supplies, wildlife, pets, and humans. This is why safe battery disposal is so vital. On top of containing several dangerous chemicals, they also carry heavy metals and other toxic materials. For example, a standard 12 volt battery contains hazardous elements like lead, mercury, plastic, sulfuric acid, and more. When you think about it, diesel engines like trucks, use 24 volt car batteries; that’s twice the amount of chemicals and harmful elements!

Here’s the easiest way to safely dispose of a used car battery:

➀ Safely remove old car battery.
➁ Find a safe location to store it, temporarily.
➂ Call a local scrap metal recycling center to sell it for cash.

Dangers of Improper Disposal

Improper battery disposal comes with a wide-range of trouble and consequences. The chemicals inside them can have negative effects on our health, homes, Eco-systems, and surrounding environment. Most damages caused by irresponsible car battery disposal take decades to reverse, if reversible at all.

If you ever come into contact with any chemical or liquid inside a car battery, be sure to wash your hands immediately. Always be sure that the battery is in a sturdy upright position so leakage doesn’t occur during transportation. For expert information on proper car battery disposal, contact a reputable Indianapolis scrap metal recycling center and receive accurate industry advice.

Our Indianapolis Scrappers Will Buy Your Used Car Batteries!

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to get rid of used car batteries in Central and Southern Indiana. Our Indianapolis metal recycling professionals pay cash on the spot for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including junk cars, automotive parts, appliances, construction equipment, motorized farming equipment, and more. Request a free estimate for your scrap metal, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

Are You Looking for Scrap Metal to Sell for Cash?

Local scrap yards and metal recycling centers generally pay you to turn over your scrap metal and junk metal items. In fact, it is a great hobby that not only helps the environment and contributes to the economic health of the local town, it also puts some extra cash in your wallet!

Best of all, countless commodities are made from or contain metal, all of which are 100% recyclable. And finding such commodities to sell for cash can be easier; you can start in your very own home! From there, enter the neighborhood, visit the city, and even go store to store asking for their junk donations.

Continue reading to learn where you can find scrap metal around your home and within the community, including where to sell it for an instant profit!

Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322
Indianapolis Scrap Metal Buyers 1-888-586-5322

Home and Office

There are plenty of items that you can be dismantled for their metal constituents, and therefore, can be sold for a profit to a local scrap metal buyer! Some of the most common items to add to your search include kitchen cutlery and appliances, gardening equipment, automotive parts, power tools, and even whole cars or boats. Anything electronic or motorized is a prime item to sell, such as computers, Mopeds, golf carts, jet skis, cell phones, tablets, stereo systems, GPS navigation, and more.


You can also reach out to your local community in search of scrap metal to recycle. In fact, many people, especially business owners, would be glad to hand off their junk without having to pay for the service. Start by creating an online ad requesting all junk metal commodities. Then go to local businesses to ask for their scrap metal. Some businesses to consider include gun ranges, farms, ranches, hospitals, retail stores, clinics, and even dumpsters and construction sites.

Additional Metal Items to Recycle:

    ☑ Brass Fixtures
    ☑ Aluminum Foil
    ☑ Aluminum Siding
    ☑ Christmas Lights
    ☑ Copper Wire
    ☑ Aluminum Windows
    ☑ Plumping Pipes
    ☑ Computer Motherboards
    ☑ Car Batteries
    ☑ Punchings
    ☑ Skeleton Plate
    ☑ Machine Shop Scrap
    ☑ Borings and Turnings
    ☑ Insulated Cooper
    ☑ Cooper Pipes
    ☑ Air Conditioners
    ☑ AC/Condenser Coils
    ☑ Aluminum Siding
    ☑ Precious Metals
    ☑ And More

Basically, anything made of metal can be recycled, and therefore, sold to a local scrap metal buying company.

Who to Trust for the Best Offers in Indy

Call Garden City Iron & Metal at 1-888-586-5322 to recycle scrap metal in Central and Southern Indiana. We pay cash on the spot for all metal and metal commodities, including vehicles, car parts, appliances, construction equipment, farming equipment, and much more! Collect all the scrap metal you can, and then sell it to us for the highest profit in town! Request a free estimate or information, today.

Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322
Garden City Iron and Metal 1-888-586-5322

Garden City Iron & Metal Welcomes You to Our Brand New Website!

Your One-Stop-Shop for Scrap Metal Recycling and Cash for Junk Cars

Garden City Iron and Metal 812-343-5073

Garden City Iron and Metal 812-343-5073

Garden City Iron & Metal is an independently owned and operated, state-certified metal recycling company based out of Columbus, Indiana. We proudly serve all of Central and Southern Indiana with superior scrap metal recycling and junk car buying services, and we pay top-dollar for your metal materials. We retain the latest technologies, including 3 state-of-the-art electronic platform scales, which allows us to provide the highest imbursements for scrap metal in Indianapolis!

So what are you waiting for? Sell us your junk cars and trucks, used auto parts, and all other types of scrap metal, and walk away with real cash in your wallet! There is no faster way to get rid of junk and make a profit, all at the same time!

Count On Unparalleled Customer Service

We are dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service because our clients are the most important part of our business. For this reason, we do everything in our power to ensure our clients receive the best service and highest payouts for their scrap metal. And we started with a brand new, easy-to-use metal recycling website!

On our new website, you can learn all there is to know about recycling scrap metal with us. Every link you need is listed right at the top of every web page!  Read through our FAQS page for answers to the most common questions about metal recycling; or visit our METALS WE BUY page for instant information about the material we accept!

Instantly locate our contact information on our CONTACT US page, or learn about metal metal prices on our PRICES page. Hover the mouse over our SERVICES page to reveal a drop-down list of all the metal recycling services our company provides, and then choose from one of the listed options, including METAL RECYCLING, JUNK CAR BUYER, and USED AUTO PARTS.

Call Us Today for a Free Estimate!

Garden City Iron and Metal 812-343-5073

Garden City Iron and Metal 812-343-5073

Garden City Iron & Metal’s new website is not just informative, it is easy to navigate and find just what you’re looking for. With the exclusive metal recycling pages available on our new website, we make the scrap metal recycling process that much easier for you. But the convenience doesn’t stop there! We also offer pickup and haul away service for free, which means you only have to give us a call and we do the rest! Just dial 812-343-5073 to speak with a friendly scrap metal manager,
and request a free phone quote for your metal.